to have Courage....In Family Life, In Spirituality, In Health, In Living Simply

I'm on a journey...... as we all are. Learning, remembering, re-discovering about health, spirituality, relationships, emotions and the mind.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Family Days

Yesterday was Family Days in Qualicum Beach, so we packed up our van with 10 of the Johnson's, added 4 Grays, and brought home a Moody.  Full load.

Other than the rain, it was a great time.  Laars was happy to camp out in the kiddie swing, but the rest did their rounds at the playground, face painting, getting their free Freezie, bouncing in the octopus, going down the inflated pirate ship slide, etc.,  and Everette & I were thrilled to run into some old friends from 20 years ago, and some newer friends.


  1. You ran into Walls? That's cool! Have a nice visit? How're they doing?

  2. We even ran into Amber Wall, but she's married now so different surname, and has a little 21mod. Everybody was doing well.
