to have Courage....In Family Life, In Spirituality, In Health, In Living Simply

I'm on a journey...... as we all are. Learning, remembering, re-discovering about health, spirituality, relationships, emotions and the mind.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Walled City.....and More

All because my sister's transmission went (near Montreal) while she was driving home from Ontario to Cape Breton, Everette and I are on a Retrieval Mission with our big trusty van.  We left this morning just after 4 am, and this is a bit of where we've been and what we've seen.....

and this is taken in the opposite direction, from standing on a foot bridge....
It was a beautiful day and a great place to stretch our legs and get circulation in our numb-bums.  This is the beautiful province of Quebec.

And this.......

is the entrance to the walled city of Quebec.  Oh, my, what a beautiful and exciting city.  I'm in love....
said to be the world's most photographed hotel, was built in 1893.

That's the Frontenac roofline, as seen when we were walking along the top of the city walled (that was 'closed', but.......others were walking up there, too!  Really!)

Above the main street entering the city.

Do I look like I like this city????  I'm a very happy girl!

Some beautiful murals.

The city reminds Everette and I a bit of Victoria, and some of Banff, but..... we like Quebec City better.  Imagine that, coming from true Westerners (hehehe!)  We'll be back.  Sometime.  And would recommend it for a great honeymoon destination, or anniversary, or any weekend away. 

I know Layne and Danaka would love the history here.  Daddy had to take a picture of this statue.....
because he says its what Henty has in his books ;)

And then there are the Plains of Abraham.  Pretty boring to look at

but they play ball out there over them dead bodies, and the history buffs would appreciate it more than I did today. But I can say I went there now!

Ok, this was a great day.  We covered alot of ground driving all day, and taking little side shows.  But the day was A+ as I got to spend it with my wonderful husband, and got to walk holding his hands thru a gorgeous city.  What a treat.....for a Retrieval Mission.

Tomorrow, off to Montreal.


  1. I am so jealous now! I want to go there!!!! One day..... I love the pictures. And I love how people in my family are paying a little more attention to things and not just taking snapshots anymore! You guys ROCK! Ya you Mom. <3 Thanks for sharing. And thanks for calling me while you were there to share your excitement!

  2. Same here. ;( thanks for the pics. You guys look like you had fun. Miss you. Ya-you.
