I heard about making Lapbooks years ago from other homeschoolers, but we just never did them at all. I guess I just didn't see what all the excitement was about, and the children and I were busy scrapbooking our life.
But I now have a new appreciation for Lapbooks, and I see a spark that has ignited an excitement in several of the children, particularly Maret who has been busy working on all things Horsey.
Inside this refolded folder she has several small reports on pedigrees, common horse names for the USA and the UK, the top 10 Race-horses, etc.
And the exciting thing is that she is self-motivated to do the research, do tidy printing, and work tirelessly on something that ends in a project she can hold and proudly share with others.
Gaelyn, needing more help from mom, has also accomplished a few Lapbooks. Hers are actually more of a coming together of work she's already done. I just put it into a Lapbook form so she can show it off in a more pleasing presentation.
Here's her book on Parts of a Flower, and includes some info on the need for sunshine and water and nutrients that she narrated to Mom. There's also a cross-word she did, and some flower pedals she drew for a little math practise, and several different types of flowers she coloured along with a diagram of a flower that she labeled the parts.
The rose below was partially covered over (on purpose) when I was printing it off so she had to try and draw in the other part of the rose as to what it would look like.
This was a flip-up book Gaelyn did to help her with the Days of the Week. So sweet what she drew to help her remember the names of the days. Hard to see for some of them, but let me explain.
Monday is a moon and stars. Good connection between Monday and Moon-day.
Tuesday is a pointing finger. As in "I am choosing some candies. Choosing sounds like Tues....day!"
Wednesday has a picture of swirling wind. Wed ~~ wind. Sounds close to me!!
Thursday gets a 3, because it starts with the same beginning sound, Th
Friday has challah, because we often celebrate the beginning of Sabbath with the traditional braided egg-bread, challah.
Saturday is a day of rest, right, and we sit on chairs. Sat.....on a chair.
Sunday, no brainer. You got it! It's a Sun.
Gaelyn had (close to) tonnes of loose papers that she was doing copywork on from Draw Write NOW! books, and I lumped the farm and other animals all together in an accordion type thing.....
and now she can flip through her writing and see it like a book (that's actually taller than her when it's all pulled out). She has some simple drawings she can look at, too.
I've unloaded of most of our scrapbooking paraphernalia, which was hard for me but I did it, and so now the Lapbooking is helping me feed the creative side of me. And its giving a real boost to the children as they see their hard work being displayed, as if it is treasured.
These are humble beginnings, but I know the children will get more and more creative, and more skills to keep them tidy and well displayed. Mitchell and I worked on the Months of the Year, and are now collecting information for one on Ancient Egypt. Gaelyn will be doing one on the Provinces and Territories of Canada, and Toveli will hopefully do something about plants (the bug hasn't hit her yet). Danaka is actually doing one on some Maths Formulas to help her remember them, and likely something on the Elizabethan period.
If you are interested in checking out Lapbooks, there's loads and loads of stuff online, some free and some not.
Go for it. We are having a blast.