Three years ago today we were On The Road.
Across Canada.
Everette in the mini-van with 5 children and stuffed to the rims with sleeping bags, blankets, clothes and books. I was driving the station wagon with the 2.5 month old baby and one of the children (on rotation with one from the van) with all the other space taken up with tools, more books, scrapbooking supplies and more clothes. One was risking a life or limb to open any of the vehicle doors lest something tumble out. It was packed incredibly tight.
And the excitement was incredibly high.
I remember as we drove down our street away from the house where our last 4 children were birthed and one tiny was buried, and we saw our neighbours waving from their front porch, I was choked. Excitement and fear blended together and quietly they traveled slowly down my cheek.
We'd never been in such an adventure before.
We didn't really comprehend all that we were leaving behind, and neither did we know all that we were moving towards.
But we hit the road.
Minus our eldest 2 daughters.
That was pretty much the hardest part about the journey. That 'Letting Go' that parents know they will sometime have to do. But when that moment is staring at you, seemingly ripping your heart out, leaving your heart in BC while your wheels are taking you to Cape Breton, driving through the Fraser Valley crying out "What on earth are we doing?" and wondering if Everette and I are crazy.
Nobody could understand what we were doing. After all, we weren't really sure what we were doing either. But we knew in slightly-more-than-a-moment's decision that we must go when we heard that my sister's house had burned down. We knew in our hearts. The mind can say what it wants, but when the message is Oh So Clear in your heart, then you know what you need to do. Follow your heart.
I am so thankful for the journey we have had these past 3 years.
Today, I remember the beginning of this leg of the journey. And I am Eternally Grateful.
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